@KTzone » ¸ê·½ - ¹q¼v » ¸ê·½ - ¹q¼vºî¦X¸ê·½¶W³s » [þ÷仪¦Ñ师][1080Pª©HD-MP4/3G][韩语]

2019-8-28 17:47 dyba


¡·导¡@¡@ºt¡@卢镇¨q Jin-soo Noh

¡@¡@Deputy Hyeon-moo from Isang Plans doesn't know a thing about manners. The company director orders the team manager to to hire a manner teacher for the sake of teaching the employees some manners. Then one day, a young woman (Yeo Min-jeong) introduces herself as the 'manner teacher'. However, she was only visible to Hyeon-moo. From then on, whenever Hyeon-moo knocks on a door or does something with 'manner', she would appear and conduct a total directional lecture on manners. The two get close very quickly...





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